Thursday, December 30, 2010

Feature Film, Joker(2012)

this was a project i worked on a couple of years back with Trigger Happy Entertainment.... Akshay Kumar plays the lead in this super-hero movie, and the character (which interestingly had a good as well as an evil side) was supposed to be taken forward into other formats (graphic novel and games) .... I am sharing a couple of looks that I developed along these two zones, before rapid revamping of the original script started taking place.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


'Many a time this tale was told
In every land the legend unfolds
When the times are bleak and the earth spells doom
A tiny savior finds life in her womb..'

some of the initial explorations for the King's character..

The principal characters of the film - the nine inched Ebegetiya .. the 15 year old energetic, gutsy, streetsmart protagonist (ebeget=approx 9 inches), and the scary, cruel, malicious but dumb, and stupid King.

Ebegetiya comes face to face with the King in his court a couple of times and on each instance the King's fooled by Ebegetiya into doing something that would in a way bring about his own downfall finally..

the bunch of commoners who become one of the first victims of Ebegetiya's wit and presence of mind

a scene that occasions some arbit fun after a seemingly huge tragedy, and later proves to be quite significant a point in the story as well.

King's league of soldiers.. who don't look short of character or intent, but were disarmed, weakened and finally annihilated by the King's foolishness and greed

I worked on this project (2009-10) for CFSI with a Delhi based Company. It's quite close to my heart as it is an Assamese 2D Animation film based on a famous Assamese folk tale called 'Ebegetiya'. I adapted and added to the story to make it friendlier to the medium we wanted to give it form through, and took it forward into a 22 min script with a flavour of a film in a longer format. The entire visualisation and pre-production process was fun mostly due to the realisation of the fact that I was giving a tangible visual form to the memories I had, to the pictures I used to form in my mind of the story when it used to be repeatedly told to me in my childhood. I'll try and take you through some of my explorations throughout the pre production process.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Anansi, The Spider

wikipedia has slightly more information than what I can give you or you may already have on Anansi (the trickster from the Ashanti tribe in West Africa) and his are a few pages from a children's book i illustrated .. for Q2A Media, Delhi (2009).

Friday, April 30, 2010

Kama Kahani - Cover Art

cover art for an Indian version of Mills & Boons produced by Random House ... romances in the backdrop of different historic times and spaces in India - this one's straight out of the 'Jodha Akbar' period..

These, let me tell you, are/were two of the most dangerous vampires you can imagine...luckily still within the boundaries of vision of the envisioner (who's not me thankfully)! One sucks the soul out of kids, the way they normally suck blood.... and the other one riding the horse, takes it away from there to some unknown destination! On top of that there's another type that does an equally ghastly act initially before handing it over to the sucker, but i've decided to keep it to myself... :) Other than the fact that kids would be adviced to watch this movie (whenever it takes that form!) under strict parental guidance, almost everything about the project remained utterly confidential....hope you can imagine the utter confusion that egged me to use such happy colours for almost both of them!!

Vaghrapada.......this, and a few more unfinished and unpresentable ones were for a film which is yet to see the light of the day..
These samples are few of my final endeavours at A Bellyful of Dreams Entertainment, where I worked from jan 2007-sept 2008 on concept arts for feature films to be produced by abode studios, and mobile phone and internet contents (which involved character designs and short animations) produced by abode

The Punisher..

Haunted House..

D-Day.. The World War II..

a few initial attempts at entering into the world of hardcore comic books..